Bibliography / Documentation/Publication
«Inspiration Musik» Galerie Kunstzürichsüd, Adliswil, Switzerland
25th Art International Zurich, Convention Center Zurich, Switzerland
«Vier Künstler. Vier Perspektiven. Eine Ausstellung» Dorfmuseum Lengnau, Switzerland
Arty Show Aarau in "arttv.ch" Switzerland
Arty Show Aarau / vom FASS, Aarau, Switzerland
«Anniversary Exhibition» Galerie im Gwölb, Baden, Switzerland
«COV-ART» Copelouzos Family Art Museum, Athens, Greece
«Kunst Schau 5430 – 2022» Gluri Suter Huus, Wettingen, Switzerland
Arty Show Neuchâtel / Downtown Bijoux, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Art International Zurich, Convention Center Zurich, Switzerland
Galerie im Gwölb, Baden, Switzerland
«Kunst Schau 5430 – 2021» Gluri Suter Huus / Museum Eduard Spörri, Wettingen, Switzerland
Huan-Qiu Time, 23 September 2021, China
Chongqing Today Tou-Tiao, 23 September 2021, Chengdu, China
CQTV, Chongqing State Television, 24 September 2021, Chongqing, China
Chongqing Youth News, 23 September 2021, China
China News, 24 September 2021, China
Chongqing Today Tou-Tiao, 23 September 2021, Chongqing, China
Chongqing World, 24 September 2021, Chongqing, China
Hong Yi Jiuzhou News, 24 September 2021, Jiuzhou, China
Chongqing Today Tou-Tiao, 24 September 2021, Chongqing, China
«Kunst Schau 5430 – 2020» Gluri Suter Huus / Museum Eduard Spörri, Wettingen, Switzerland
«REGIUNALA» Galerie Cularta, Laax, Switzerland
«#shutdownGR» RTR - TV and Radio reportage, 8 June 2020, Switzerland
«#shutdownGR» Kulturteil Südostschweiz / La Quotidiana, 4 / 16 June 2020, Switzerland
AZ Badener Tagblatt / Aargauer Zeitung Online , 23 October 2019, Ursula Burgherr, Switzerland
Berg-Post, 9 / 23 October 2019, Rohrdorferberg, Switzerland
Aargauer Zeitung / Basellandschaftliche Zeitung On-line, 22/25 February, Switzerland
Luzerner Zeitung, 25 February / Limmatwelle, 21 February, Switzerland
Aargauer Kulturmagazin, February/March, Switzerland
Catalogue «35x35 Chinese Art Project» Copelouzos Family Art Museum, Athen, Greece
«KUNST SCHAU 5430» Galerie im Gluri Suter Huus, Wettingen, Switzerland
Catalogue «Artbox Talent» Artbox Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland
Pinacoteca Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea di Gaeta, 2016, Italy
Catalogue «Kunst Raum 5430» Kunst in Wettingen, Baden-Verlag, Wettingen, Switzerland
Catalogue / Art cards «Offener Raum – Espacio Abierto» Switzerland – Spain
Catalogue «Inter Art Moscow» August, Moscow, Russia
Solothurner Nachrichten, 13 November, Jacqueline Trachsel, Switzerland
Catalogue «Art Nürnberg 5» May, Germany
Der Murtenbieter, 15/22 August, Cornelia Griesser-Bertram, Switzerland
Frankfurter Rundschau, 23 October, Kai Hoffmann, Germany
Calendar Ticino Vita, Switzerland
Lyss Tagblatt, 7 April, Switzerland
Catalogue «Zurzeit – 15 Jahre Spinnerei Wettingen» Wettingen, Switzerland
Aargauer Tagblatt, Brugger Tagblatt, Frick Tagblatt, 3 October, Switzerland
Bieler Tagblatt, 14 April, Helga Rölke, Switzerland
Badener Tagblatt, 16 May, Sabine Altorfer, Switzerland
Brugger Tagblatt, 16 September, Liselotte Faulstroh, Switzerland
Badener Tagblatt, 18 September, Sabine Altorfer, Switzerland
Catalogue «Il ritorno», June, Studio Art Center International, Florence, Italy
Catalogue «Index», February, Francesca Alfano Miglietti, Italy
Catalogue Galerie Zenit, Stig Åke Stålnacke, February, Denmark
Grenchner Tagblatt, 14 December, Jacqueline Trachsel, Switzerland
Bieler Tagblatt, 15 December, Damian Bugmann, Switzerland
La Repubblica, 16 and 23 January, Mario De Candia, Italy
Paese Sera, 26 January, Lorenzo Mango, Italy
Unità, 2 February, Jacopo Benci, Italy
Flash Art, Italian edition, Nr.138 / April, Giuditta Villa, Italy
Art Diary, Art in Denmark, Italy
«TSUNSHAN» Giancarlo Politi Editore, Milan, Italy
Catalogue «Rapido Fine», May, Italy
Berlingske Tidende, 19 June, Peter Michael Hornung, Denmark
Flash Art, Italian edition, Nr.134 / summer, G. Di Pietrantonio, Italy
Catalogue «Orsa Maggiore» August, Francesco Gallo, Italy
Bad din iris, 23 June, Denmark
Art Diary, Art in Italy, Antonio Mercadante, Italy
Radio Ravenna, 10 minutes radio reportage, 1 June, Alberto Mazotti, Italy
Flash Art, Italian edition, Nr.128 / Summer, Giulio Alessandri, Italy
Catalogue «KAOS – dall'Alfa all'Omega», December, Italy
Flash Art, Italian edition, Nr.35 / February, Anna D'Elia, Italy
Flash Art, Italian edition, Nr.120 / May, Enzo Battarra, Italy
Art Diary, Art in Italy, Francesco Gallo, Italy
Catalogue «Intervento Omocromico», Anna D'Elia, Italy
Segno, Nr.33 / November, Enzo Battarra, Italy
Flash Gallerie, Nr.9 / November, Enzo Battarra, Italy
Segno, Nr.72 / February, Enzo Battarra, Italy
Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, 12 September, Anna D'Elia, Italy
Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, 17 September, Anna D'Elia, Italy
Catalogue «X Mostra d'Arte Internazionale», June, Jules Maidoff, Italy